allowed to remain in London on the
Saturday night for our next two away
games in London.
Jerseys It was reported that the
Fluerescent Jerseys had been satisfactory at
Bolton, and that a set had been ordered.
J. Gould It was reported that Plymouth A.
106 may be interested in Gould, and it was
agreed that they be informed that we
would accept £7,500.0.0 for his transfer.
Football League The proposed alterations to the
Regulations. Football League regulations were studied and
the suggestion for amendment were agreed to
(Copy annexed)
Television A letter was read from the F. A.
104. intimating that they were unable to cancel
them agreement with the B. B. C. for the
televising of the England v Roumania game
on Oct 16th.
Professional It was agreed to contribute Twenty
Football Golf ?pounds to this Competition.
It was agreed to apply to the
D. Hickean Football League for permission to refund
110. the rest of removal of Twenty pounds to
this player.
Floodlighting It was reported that a Lamp Bull
107. had fallen off one of the tower into the
school playground in Bultons Road, but
no one was hunt. It was reported that
PAINTING the Contractors who had painted the tower
PYLONS had claimed an extra £130.0.0 for delays
due to the weather, and it was agreed that
this be contested.
Transfer of Shares The following was approved:-