Regulation 3. To delete the sentence reading "to authorise control and conduct additional competitions in which League clubs take part". Regulation 12. My Board are not in favour of co-option and propose that the last paragraph be deleted. Regulation 13 (E). To delete the work "propose" in the first line and substitute "nominate". Regulation 15 (B). To delete the words "and also with matters not otherwise specifically provided for in the regulations". Regulation 17. To punctuate this resolution as follows "any club official or player guilty directly or indirectly of inducing or attempting to induce a registered player of another club, to leave for any purpose whatsoever the club for which he is registered, shall be deemed guilty of misconduct and shall be liable to be expelled from the League". Regulation 32. To delete the words "Secretary and Manager and one for the Trainer" and substitute "two senior paid officials and one for the regular first team Trainer". Regulation 40. On the question of maximum wage my Board are in favour of special appearance money being paid to the twelve players comprising the first team for each match and suggest a maximum all the year round wage of £15 per week, plus an additional payment of £5 for a maximum of the twelve players on first team duty. Regulation 45. My Directors are not in favour of the payment to players of any percentage of transfer fees and suggest that the whole of the regulation covering this be deleted. Regulation 72. To delete the words "and the prior consent of the Management Committee".