110 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 1st Oct 1957.] Present:- Mr R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of meeting of Sept 24 were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported was:- Luton Town F. C. % 333.5.6 Cheques were signed for:- F. Bennett Souting 58.17.6 D. M. Kendall. Article 13.2.6 W. Tidy Cartoons 12.12.0 Wages 685.7.10 Cash Disbursement 107.4.7 Bank Balance £1990.16.6 Dr. W. Davison It was agreed to cancel the agreement of this player, at his own request, to unable him to return home to Newcastle. P. Farnell It was reported that Farnell would 107 decide tomorrow whether or not he would be willing to go to Tranmere Rovers. It was agreed to ask for a fee of £2,200.0.0 Hickson It was reported that Hickson was to 108. attend an F. A. enquiry into his suspension by his club. next Friday. when he was with Huddersfield Town. Harris B. It was reported that there was a 107. possibility of this player being posted to Chester. Travel. It was agreed to accept an offer by 105. British Railways to provide Dining facilities on the two Sundays when travelling from Newcastle, at a minimum charge of £18.0.0 for each trip. It was agreed that the players be