
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
			Wed. Sept. 11th 1957]

		Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
		all other Directors Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of Sept. 3rd
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Gate v M/c Utd.			  8401.0.9
		Gate v Chelsea			  5268.9.3
		Gate v Wolves Res.		   123.18.6
		Season Ticket Sales		   345.13.6
		Bury F. C.			   100.0.0
		Rochdale F. C.			   150.0.0
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Football League %		   202.17.3
		Chelsea	F. C. %			   766.18.11
		Police				    92.8.0
		Comms. Inl. Rev.  P. A. Y. E	   327.5.0
		Directors Expenses		    83.0.9
		Wages				   851.19.1
		Cash Disbursement		    97.12.4
		British Railways 		    60.1.7
		British Steam Specialties Ltd.      6.13.0.
			Bank Balance £208.17.2 Cr.

Mr. E. Green		It was noted with deepest regret
	89	that Mr. E. Green, a former Chairman and
		Director for 44 years had died last night.
		The Meeting start in silence for a few
		moments as a tribute to his memory, and
		thanks were expressed to Mr. Askham for
		all he had done for Mr. Green's comfort
		during his illness. It was agreed to ask
		the players to act as bearers at the funeral.

F. A. Youth Cup		It was reported that we had been