102 turnstile be taken away and the door at the bottom kept locked, leading to the dressing room. Floodlights It was reported that all the Floodlights had been switched on last Friday and there were several adjustment to be made yet. It was agreed to negotiate for a maintenance contract at 15/- per hour during matches, and a servicing contract for service twice a year for £75.0.0 per annum for a total of three weeks work. It was agreed that the diesel engine should not be kept running during a match owing to the noise. The proposed special layout of Floodlighting match a/c was approved and a vote of thanks was passed to the compiler. Mascot It was agreed that the Everton Mascot be given permission to parade round the trace during the season. Scouts It was agreed to invite a party of 22 Scouts from Uganda to the match v Chelsea on Saturday. Transfer of Share The following were approved:- SHARES NO. 1579-1583 FROM EXORS. M. H. VALENTINE TO JOHN W. ROBINSON. DIRECTORS AWAY To Liverpool:- Mr. Taylor. To Arsenal:- Messrs R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield & C. N. Askham. NEXT MEETING Wed. Sept. 11th at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN