96 But it was agreed that the fee be paid R. E. S. W. Russell It was reported that this player had 92 decided to sign for Sheffield Utd. Bootle C. C A letter of thanks was read from Bootle Cricket Club following the Charity cricket match played recently. Torquay Utd. It was agreed that we had re 34. inside forwards to offer to Torquay utd. P. Fanell It was agreed that permission be 13 given to P. Fanell to undertake coaching for Liverpool Rambler during the forthcoming season. Lancashire F. A. It was agreed that Mr. Micklesfield 18 should attend a meeting of Club representatives entered for the Lancashire Senior Cup at Preston tomorrow. Kick-off It was agreed to Kick-off at 3pm. 93. v Bolton W. and Bolton W. Res. on Dec. 26th and Jan. 25th respectively and to finish under Floodlights. CHARITY ALLOCATIONS It was agreed that a list of recommendations for the allocation of the Practice Match receipt be submitted for approval by Mr. Askham and the Secretary. List Passes It was agreed that a limited number of List Passes be issued for Cripples and invalid, but not to be valid within 30 minutes of K. O. time or 15 minutes after the final whistle. CHARLES PERKINS It was agreed that Mr. N. H. Cooke 96 should meet this player in London on Aug. 30th on his arrival from Australia. TELEVISION It was noted that the Football League had reached an agreement with the B. B. C. for