[FINANCE COMMITTEE MEETING HELD AT GOODISON PARK FRIDAY, 9TH AUGUST 1957] Present:- Messrs C. H. Askham, J. C. Sharp and C. E. Balmforth, together with the Secretary. Chairman Mr. Askham was unanimously elected Chairman for the ensuing year. Practice It was agreed that the prices of admission for Match the Practice Match be - ground 1/6, paddock 2/-, stands 2/6. F. Buchanan An application for an increase in wages from this employee was considered and it was felt that she was receiving the maximum wage her job was worth. It was, however, felt that her position could be eased by reducing her rent and it was agreed that this be reduced to 10/- per week. W. Watts Confirmation was given to an increase of 10/- per week for this employee, as from July 1st. Rents A schedule of the maximum rents applicable for each of our properties was considered and the new figures agreed for recommendation to the Board for their approval. R. E. Searle