
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
			Tuesday 30th July 1957.]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
		all other Directors except Mr. E. Green who
		was indisposed. Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 23rd July
		were read and confirmed, and the minutes
		of a requisitioned meeting held on July 26th
		were also read and confirmed as a
		correct record on a proposition by Mr. Nuttall
		seconded by Mr. Balmforth.
			Mr. Askham expressed his 
		profound regret at the requisitioning of
		the special meeting, and expressed the hope
		that there would not be a repetition of it,
		and then made the following proposition:-
			"That this Board views with
		considerable misgivings the attempt made
		last week by certain of it members to
		secure a reversal of the previous decision
		of the Board by requiring the convening of a
		meeting without reasonable notice, will 
		knowing that the Chairman and at least one
		other Director would be unavoidably unable
		to attend and regards such an action as
		one not to be repeated."
			This was seconded by Mr. Searle but
		was not carried.

Mr. E. Green		It was learned with regret that
		Mr. Green was not making much progress,
		and in view of his 44 years service as a
		Director it was resolved that the Club
		make itself responsible for his future
		Medical expenses.