88 stating that our offer of £5000 plus accrued share of Benefit amounting to £250.0.0 for the transfer of Hickson should remain unaltered for 14 days be and is hereby resumed. This was seconded by Mr. Sharp. (Page 84) Mr. Micklesfield proposed an amendment that this be deferred until tomorrow, but the amendment was not seconded. The proposition was then put to the Meeting and carried unanimously. Mr. Balmforth proposed that Mr. Nuttall be authorised to negotiate immediately with Huddersfield Team for the transfer of Hickson at a fee not exceeding £6,500.0.0 (Six thousand five hundred pounds) this sum being the amount asked by them in reply to an offer of £5,000 plus accrued share of Benefit. This was seconded by Mr. Sharp and carried unanimously. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman