85 Secretary was instructed to ascertain from the other 1st Division Clubs on what basis the increase was being paid to their players. In the meantime top money to be paid in August, till the first match, to the players who played in the last League Match. Labone B. It was reported that League had 61. signed as a free time professional at £9.0.0 in the Winter and £8.0.0 in the Summer from July 25. Captain It was agreed that Fanell be Captain for the ensuing year, and when absent the Captaincy be given to Donovan. Keeley J. It was reported that Keeley had 38. been dam offed, and had been re-engaged full time at £12.0.0 Winter and £10.0.0 Summer. Kirby G. It was reported that Kirby would 21. become a full-time player on Aug. 15 on maximum terms. Bonar It was reported Bonar a Scottish Schoolboy International, who had been down for a week was likely to sign as an amateur. Liverpool It was agreed to loan the Ground Schoolboys F. A. to the Liverpool Schools F. A. for a Match v 33. West Lothian on a date to be arranged. The annual united match v Bootle C. C. was approved. It was reported that following the trial matches several players had been signed on amateur form. Kick-off The following Kick-off times for away 77.