
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park,
			Tuesday July 23rd 1957]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all
		other Directors except Messrs E. Green, T. C. Nuttall
		who were indisposed. Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of June 26th (Two)
		and July 8th and of the Annual General Meeting
		of June 26th were read and confirmed.

Finance			Cheques were signed for:-
		L. G. Harris & Co. Ltd.			6.16.6
		Goodlass Wall & Co.			4.17.6
		L.B.M v Cement Co.			33.10.10
		British Paints Ltd.			24.18.9
		P. M. G. Postages			15.0.0
		R. A. K. Williams   Benefit		72.2.0
		J. D. Williams	      do		12.17.9
		J. F. Sutherland      do		144.9.3
		D. Mayers	      do		299.19.6
		K. Hayes	      do		200.17.6
		A. E. Harris	      do		69.7.0
		A. Farall	      do		233.18.6
		Wages		      do		677.16.3
			Bank Balance £6902-10-10 Dr.

Hickson			Mr. Sharp gave a resume of the went
		leading up to enquiries re Hickson being made.
		The players Sub-Committee recommended that
		negotiations be proceeded with and this was
		carried, with Mr. Searle dissenting. It was
		agreed to made an offer of £5000.0.0 plus
RESCINDED	his accrued share of benefit amounting to £250.0.0
26 July 1957	and that this offer remain unaltered for two

Players Wages		The new scale of wages submitted by
RESCINED	the Players Committee was approved, and the
30th July 1957