82 [Emergency Meeting, held at 4, Cases St.,Liverpool, Monday, July 8, 1957] Present : Mr. F. Micklesfield (Chair) and Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth, C. H. Askham & J. Taylor. Mr. Micklesfield read a letter from Liverpool L. C. F. A. Return F. C. dated July 2nd and the Directors perused correspondence Floodlight Match passed between Liverpool F. C., Mr. I. Robinson & ourselves. v Liverpool Mr. Micklesfield reported conversations between himself, a member 74. of the press and Mr. Cartwright, of Liverpool. After discussion the Chairman suggested bringing forward the date of the proposed match with a Continental side from October 30th to October 23rd, leaving Oct. 30th free to play Liverpool. It was resolved to do this and after an unsuccessful attempt by Mr. Askham to contact Mr. Ukrainczyk in Paris, a telegram was drafted and sent, proposing the new date and asking Mr. Ukrainczyk to contact Mr. Micklesfield as soon as possible to discuss the matter. A letter was then drafted by the Directors to the Liverpool club for posting on Monday and the acting Secretary was instructed to attend to this. A proposed statement to the press was then read by Mr. Micklesfield. After discussion, certain amendments were made and the Chairman then dictated the finished statement to the acting Secretary who was instructed to have four copies ready for signature by Mr. F. Micklesfield for posting to R. W. Prole, D. M. Kendall, J. Rowe & L. Edwards, to receive them Tuesday morning (copy attached.) It was then agreed that should Mr. Ukrainczyk be able to alter the Continental match date to October 23rd, Mr. Micklesfield be empowered to proceed with the matter. Mr. H. H. Barker It was noted that due to an oversight,