81 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel Wed. June 26th 1957.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors except Messrs E. Green & T. C. Nuttall who were indisposed. Secy. in attendance. Chairman The Chair was taken by the Secretary, and on a proposition by Mr. Askham, seconded by Mr. Coffey and carried unanimously Mr. R. E. Searle was re-elected Chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. Searle thanked his colleagues for then renewed confidence in him. The following Sub-committees were elected for the ensuing year:- FINANCE COMM. Messrs C. H. Askham, J. C. Sharp & T. C. Nuttall with Mr. Balmforth pro tem until Mr. Nuttall resumed. PLAYERS COMM. Messrs T. C. Nuttall, C. E. Balmforth & F. Micklesfield, with Mr. J. C. Sharp pro tem in place of Mr. Nuttall. MAINTENANCE COMM. Messrs C. H. Askham, J. C. Sharp & F. Micklesfield. FLOODLIGHTING COMM. Messrs F. Micklesfield, C. H. Askham & J. Taylor. Quorum This to remain at four. Programme It was agreed to issue a special 76 survivor programme at 1/- for the opening Floodlit Match v Liverpool. NEXT MEETING At the Chairmans' discretion. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.