77 It was agreed to ask him to bear in mind teams like Real Madrid. Bilbas &c. with a view to games later in the season on even Oct. 30th. R. Williams It was reported that pensioner R. Williams had died on June 21st, and was to be cremated. At his own request it was agreed that his ashes be spread on the ground. A. Dunlop It was agreed that Albert Dunlop be given the tenancy of 75 Wallace Drive, as Birch did not now want it. Kick-Offs It was agreed to ask all Clubs due at Goodison Park during mid-Winter to agree to a 3-15 K. O. and finish under Floodlights. Painting It was reported that three tenders had been reserved for painting the four Floodlight Towers and it was agreed that the tender of £680.0.0 submitted by Messrs Brookers of Liverpool, be accepted. KICK-OFFS The following kick off times were agreed 77 to for away matches to be completed under Floodlights. Sep. 10th v Arsenal K. O. 7.30 p.m. Sep. 25th v Wolves Res. K. O. 7.0 p.m. Nov. 2nd v Bury Res. K. O. 3.0 p.m. Nov. 16th v M/c City Res. K. O. 3.0 p.m. Dec. 7th v M/c City K. O. 3.0 p.m. Dec. 21st v Wolves K. O. 3.0 p.m. Dec. 28th v Derby County Res. K. O. 3.0 p.m. Jan. 11th v Chelsea K. O. 3.0 p.m. Jan. 18th v Sunderland K. O. 3.0 p.m Next Meeting At the conclusion of the A. G. M. CONFIRMED AS CORRECT R. E. Searle. CHAIRMAN