[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday May 28th 1957.]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair)
and all other Directors except Messrs E. Green
& C. E. Balmforth who tendered their apologies.
Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meetings of May 22nd
and May 24th were read and confirmed.
Golf It was resolved that the golf
7 outings should not exceed one per month next
season, and that the cost of private golf
tickets for players should not be refunded in
ACCOUNTS & The Draft accounts were considered
BALANCE SHEET. and questions were answered by Mr. Bateman.
It was agreed that no depreciation be written
off Stands & Hoardings etc. this year, and
that Depreciation amounting to £191.0.0
be written off the amplifying equipment.
The amounts were than approved and it
was agreed that these be signed by the
Chairman together with Mr. Sharp and the
Dividend It was resolved to recommend
the payment of a Dividend of 5% free
of tax.
K. Heyes It was reported that Heyes had
been transferred to Preston N. E. for £500,
and it was agreed to apply for permission
to pay him accrued share of Benefit amounting
to £250.0.0.
K. Williams It was reported that K. Williams had
67. been transferred to Tranmere Rovers for £150.0.0
and it was agreed to apply for permission to