	To - The Daily Herald				   The Daily Herald
	     2-12 Endell Street,			      2 Chester Street,
		London W. C. 2. and				Oxford Road,

		Draft letter to the Editor The Daily Herald

		Dear sir.

			I am instructed by My Directors of the Everton
		Football Club to draw your attention to the article headed 'Three
		more Everton Everton Officials Lose Jobs' appearing on page 10 of
		the Daily Herald dated 23rd May 1957.

			I am to deny categorically that Mr. Harry Wright or
		Mr. Stan Bemtham have been dismissed from their posts or that any
		such dismissal has been contemplated let alone discussed by the
		Directors of the club. The Directors take a serious view of the
		publication of such grossly inaccurate allegations as those contained
		in the article referred to. Such allegations not only reflect
		upon the competence of the officials named but embarras them in their
		relations with the players and thus in the discharge of their functions.
		Moreover such reports are bound to cause and have caused personal
		distress to Mr. Wright and Mr. Bentham.

			It is also quite untrue to state that Mr. Charlie Leyfield
		was sacked by the club. In fact he resigned for good and sufficient
		personal reasons.

			Furthermore the suggestion that the Directors are con-
		templating the appointment of a manager is far from the truth and they
		wish to state that they have every confidence in and are completely
		satisfied with their chief coach Mr. Ian Buchan.

			I am instructed to ask that you take steps to publish
		a clear demial of the allegations referred to in an early issue
		of the Daily Herald with a prominence at least equal to that given
		to the article complained of and I shall be glad to have your
		prompt assurance that this will be done.

						Yours truly,