68 him accrued share of benefit of £50.0.0. K. J. Birch It was agreed that K. J. Birch be given 5 the tenancy of his 75 Wallace Drive at a weekly rent of 25/-. COACHING It was agreed that Watson, Bentham, Fielding and Wright should attend an F. A. Coaching Course for one week. Thomas It was reported that Thomas had not 21. yet re-signed for next season and had asked for £13 p.w. in the Winter. Hillsden It was reported that Hillsden was now 65. in Hospital at Westwich, and a request had been made for his transfer to Broadgreen Hospital. It was agreed to write and thank Mr. Braddock for his efforts in this matter. F. L. AGENDA The Football League agenda was studied and the items to be supported were agreed. B. Jones It was reported that Bryn Jones had asked for his Insurance Card and it was agreed that his contract be terminated. Bradford City A letter was read requesting that as G. Williams had played 11 first teams, the extra £500 payable after 12 first team games, should be paid now to help with Summer Wages, but it was agreed that this could not be done until he had played in 12 games. BRITISH DEAF AM. An appeal from this Association for a SPORTS ASSN. donation was considered and turned down. TRANSFER OF SHARES The following were approved:- SHARES NO. 763 To 765 FROM XOR. LEAN BALMFORTH To MARY BALMFORTH " " 1424 To 1426 FROM XOR. ANNIE D. HUGHES To NORMAN J. HUGHES. NEXT MEETING Wed. May 22nd at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.