
Williams J. D.		As this player had asked for his cards
		it was agreed to cancel his contract by
		mutual consent.

			It was agreed that Mr. Buchan
		should spend a fortnight, Scouting in Scotland
		at a cost of £25.0.0.

Players Wages		The terms to be offered to the players
		as recommended by the Sub-Committee were

			It was resolved to support a
		proposal, if made, for a maximum wage
		for players of up to Twenty pounds per week.

NOMINATIONS		It was reported that no nominations
		had been received for election to the Board.

E. Moore 33.		It was reported that Eric Moore
		was vacating his house tomorrow.

LEAGUE MTG.		It was agreed that the Chairman
		should attend an informal meeting of League
		representatives on Tuesday May 21st, and also
		the England v Eric match at Wembley on
		May 8th.

RULE BOOKS		It was agreed that each Director be
		furnished with a Rule Book of the Football
		Association and the Football League.

CHURCH WALL 52		It was reported that the Church
		Authorities were satisfied that the alterations
		carried out were quite in order.

NEXT MEETING		Friday May 17th at 4.30 p.m.

						Confirmed as correct.
							R. E. Searle