[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday Apl. 30th 1957]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair)
and all other Directors except Messrs E. Green
& C. E. Balmforth who tendered their apologies
Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of 23rd Apl.
were read and confirmed.
Finance Receipts reported were:-
Gate v Liverpool Res. 639.1.3
Chelsea F. C. % 392.9.4
M/C City F. C. % 398.18.9
Cheques were signed for
Customs & Excise 665.10.1
M/C Utd. F. C. Cup Final Yet 57. 5.0
Wages 797.15.4
Cash Disbursements 164. 8.3
Bank Balance £17901.17.10 Dr.
Hillsden I. It was agreed to pay the cost of
61. bringing Hillsden home if the charge did not
exceed £50.0.0.
Football League It was agreed to nominate Mr. J. C. Sharp
Management Comm. for the vacancy on the Football League
Management Committee.
Finance Committee The recommendations of the Finance
Committee as presented by Mr. Sharp were
approved, but it was agreed to build
Brick Garages for Both Donovan & Jones (T. E.).
Ashworth A. It was reported that A. Ashworth
61. was not keen to sign professional forms, and
it was agreed to offer him £7 & £6.
K. Williams It was reported that K. Williams
had been demobbed and was prepared to
re-sign for £12 & £10. It was agreed that