interested in J. Harris, and it was agreed
to negotiate in the region of £10,000.0.0.
Newry Town It was agreed not to accept an offer
of £250.0.0 to play a match at Newry on
May 14th.
The Board expressed their appreciation
to the Chairman for his efforts in connection
with the Hotel & travel arrangements to
enable the time table for the visit to Ireland
to be maintained.
Cup Final Replay It was reported that this would
57. be an all ticket match with a limit of
75,000. Prices had been agreed at 40/-, 20/-,
10/-, 5/- & 3/-. It was agreed that details
be left the Chairman, Mr. Nuttall and
the Secretary.
Compensation It was resolved that the attached
54 resolution be submitted to the Football
League A. G. M. in June.
Television It was agreed that we could not
accept liability for deteriation of Picture
reception, as claimed by Mrs. Navin.
Harlem Globe- It was agreed not to accept the
trotters invitation to stage a display by the Harlem
57. Globetrotters in July.
F. A. Report A Copy of the reports of the Referee
and linesman sent to the F. A. following an
incident during the match v Stoke City Res.
on Apl. 6th, by a spectator were read, and it
was agreed that Mr. Sharp and the Secretary
should send the Clubs report to the F. A.
Universal Sport Offers for services of matches abroad
during the Summer were considered and
turned down as inadequate.