EVERTON FOOTBALL CLUB COMPENSATION Regulation 39 (Page 77) That lines one to fourteen be deleted and substituted by the following:- "93.- The payment of compensation and 20 per cent share of gate, as defined by regulation 38 in the case of all matches postponed through cup ties, shall be paid out of the Football Association Challenge Cup Pool as follows:- (a) The home club shall be entitled to receive a sum that will bring the gross gate up to average. (b) The visiting club shall be entitled to receive a sum that will bring their 20 per cent share of gate up to average. (c) The sum available for compensation out of the Pool shall be the amount by which the Pool exceeds £101,200 (after payment of the Football League levy). Claims shall be paid pro rata if they exceed the amount available. If the sum available exceeds the total amount of claims, the balance shall be divided equally between the League clubs taking part in the F. A. Cup Competition. (d) If a club not engaged in the F. A. Cup Competition receives less than 100% of their loss of gate or 20% share of gate on any match from the Pool, the balance shall be paid by their opponents."