57 of Three hundred pounds to play a match at Glentoran on Wed. May 15. Cup Final Replay It was agreed to place the ground at the disposal of the Football Association for the replay of Cup Final if necessary, on Thursday May 9th. It was agreed to leave the prices in the hands of the Secretary and the Football Association. Doncaster Rovers It was agreed to inform Doncaster Rovers that we were not in favour of Four up and Four down. HARLEM GLOBETROTTERS It was agreed to explore the possibilities of staging a display by the Harlem Globetrotters at the end of July. Floodlight Match The recommendations of the Floodlight match Committee were approved (Copy annexed). Programmes It was agreed that each Director be given a Bound Volume of Programmes. Director Away To Bury:- Mr. J. Taylor. Next Meeting Tuesday 16th April at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle, Chairman.