54 Merseyside M. P.'s. Gauld It was reported that Newcastle Utd. had 47. suggested an exchange of Hannah for Gauld. McKay It was reported that McKay, an inside (Bathgate) forward of Bathgate, had impressed in trial, and 7. could be obtained for £575. He was 19 years of age and was in the Army. It was agreed to get further reports on him. It was reported that three amateurs, Ashworth, Jones & Hughes who were on the ground staff would not be re-signed for next season. TEAM SELECTION It was resolved that the Sub-Committee inform Mr. Buchan that it is the wish of the Board to play some of the younger players in the 1st Team as soon as possible. A. G. M. It was agreed that the Annual General Meeting be held on Wed. June 26th at the Chamber of Commerce. Compensation It was agreed that Messrs T. C. Nuttall 37. and J. C. Sharp prepare a resolution for the approval of the Board. COUNTY SECONDARY It was agreed to send 12 Complimentary SCHOOL. ticket for the use of a team from this School LLANGEFNI. who would be in Liverpool on Apl. 13. L'POOL Boys ASSN. It was agreed to help in the distribution of Complimentary ticket for the L. B. A. Senior Cup Final. DAVID ALLEN & SONS It was agreed to grant a ten years lease of the Walton Lane frontage at a rental of £50 per annum to David Allen & Sons Ltd. if they would remove the back stays of the Hoarding and remove the soil and level off the ground immediately to the rear of the Hoarding.