51 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 26th March 1957.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. E. Green, who was indisposed. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 19th March were read and confirmed. Finance Receipt reported was:- Gate v W. B. A. Res. 143.9. 9 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 2.0. 7 Wages 754.19.3 Cash Disbursements 209.15.5 Bank Balance £14,231.16.10 Dr. Liverpool F. C. A letter was read from Liverpool F. C. 49. accepting our offer of £200.0.0 plus FLOODLIGHT MATCH players expenses, to play in the first Floodlight Match at Goodison Park. It was agreed that a Sub-Committee of The Chairman and Messrs F. Micklesfield & C. H. Askham, and to co-opt Mr. J. Robinson be formed to arrange the Match details, a vote of thanks was passed to the Chairman and Mr. Sharp for their successful negotiating with the Liverpool F. C. It was reported that Rea had a groin pain, Fielding a swollen ankle, and Gauld a lacerated leg, but may be fit for Saturday. It was resolved that a letter of thanks be sent to Mrs. Braddard for her efforts in arranging the meeting of Local M. P.'s to receive our deputation. Season Tickets It was agreed that Mr. Pickering 50