47 Ground at £2.5.0 and that agents be appointed with one free ticket for every 50 Sold. All Season tickets to be valid for Football League and Central League Matches only. Floodlight matches and Cup-tie not included. J. Gauld It was agreed to accede to a request by J. Gauld to be placed on the open to transfer list, and that a minimum fee of £6,500.0.0 be requested. D. Mayers It was reported that Rochdale were interested in D. Mayers, and it was agreed that we would consider offer. Transfer List It was reported that a list of players recommended for playing on the transfer list would be circulated before the week-end. Newcastle Utd. It was agreed that the Central 44 League match at Newcastle be played on Wed. March 27th with an afternoon K. O. Aberdeen F. C. It was agreed that it was not possible to arrange a match at Goodison Park this season v Aberdeen, but we would be happy to arrange on next season when our Floodlighting would be completed. Transfer of The following was approved:- Shares SHARES: Nod 1052 To 1054 FROM Xors Richard Taylor to Richard Taylor. Directors Away To England v Scotland:- Messrs R. E. Searle, C. E. Balmforth & J. Taylor. To Cup Final:- Messrs R. E. Searle, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth.