44 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday 5th March 1957] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of Feb. 26th were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v Preston North End 2618.12.0 Gate v Banik Ostrava 3018.17.6 M/c Utd. F. C. % Youth Match 207.11.0 Arsenal F. C. % 439. 7.0 Bury F. C. re transfers 250. 0.0 T. J. Smith & Sons. 15 BLENHEIM 1626.10.0 Cheques were signed for Directors Expenses 108. 1.8 Customs & Excise 1119. 4.6 E. Jensen - Banik Ostrava 84.16.9 Police 53.13.4 Wages 788. 3.1 Cash Disbursements 161.16.7 E. Moore Benefit less tax 303. 2.9 Bank Balance £15,194.8.1 Dr. Conference A report was given of the Annual of Clubs Conference of Clubs held yesterday in London. 42 J. Prescot A letter was read from this former player asking for his signing on Bonus, which be stated he did not receive when he signed Pro. in 1938. It was agreed that nothing could be done about this now. Tenancy It was agreed that Mr. & Mrs. Andrew 36. Brack be given the tenancy of 207 Walton Lane, on an exchange basis, as their references appeared satisfactory. Newcastle Utd. It was agreed that our Reserve