			Chelsea F. C. thought that the Clubs themselves were a little guilty in admitting members
		of the Press to private rooms where they could overhear conversations which were never intended
		for publication. They thought that perhaps the first step should be for Clubs to ensure that the
		Press were rigidly excluded from such rooms.

Free or			The President stated that the Management Committee, when considering appeals against
Reduced		transfer fees, would not allow such fees to keep a player out of a job in football, where the Club
Transfers.	concerned had not offered terms for the next season.

			Each application was considered on its merits, and if a player was on the list at his own request,
		or had forced the Club to put his name on the list by his own conduct, then, of course, this was
		taken into consideration, too.

			Scunthorpe United F. C., who had requested the explanation, expressed themselves quite

Rating			The President referred to the recent success of West Ham United F. C. in their appeal against
Assessments.	their Rating Assessments under the old system and congratulated the Club on their action, which
		he was sure would be of benefit to all Clubs when appealing against their new Assessments.

			West Ham United F. C. gave a short resume of the proceedings in their case, for the information
		of the Clubs.

Other			Leeds United F. C. referred to the President's opening remarks and stated that all the Clubs
Business.	had been greatly alarmed by what they had read in the Press with regard to the happening of
		yesterday. This was a wonderful opportunity for them to say to the Management Committee
		that they approved the action taken in the case of Ford, and whatever action it was decided to
		take in the future they would unanimously support. It was not usual to propose resolutions at
		this meeting, but Leeds United F. C. proposed this as a resolution. West Bromwich Albion F. C.
		seconded the proposition which was carried unanimously.

Extra			Sheffield United F. C. asked for guidance as to what matches qualified for the extra match
Payments to	fee to players. The Secretary gave the necessary information.

Television.		The President reported that an approach had been made by A. T. V. Ltd. on similar lines as
		last year with a view to arranging the televising of League matches. Full details had not yet
		been given, but the Management Committee were negotiating with the Company and would put
		all the information before the Clubs as soon as possible.

			Sunderland F. C. proposed a vote of thanks to the President for presiding over the meeting
		so ably. The vote of thanks was carried with acclamation.
