PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL THE FOOTBALL LEAGUE LIMITED REPORT OF A CONFERENCE OF CLUBS, MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATE, held at the Cafe Royal, London, on Monday, 4th March, 1957, at 10 a.m. Before proceeding with the items on the Agenda, the President referred to the announcement in the Press of the decision given by the Appeal Board on the Appeal of player T. Ford. He informed the Clubs that the Management Committee were not too happy about it, and were con- sidering its implications. The President asked that there should be no discussion at this stage. He asked the Clubs to restrict themselves to one representative to speak for one Club on any one item, and he hoped that by so doing the Agenda would be completed efficiently and quickly. Re-organi- The President informed the Clubs that the Management Committee proposed to put forward sation. the proposition for the formation of four National Divisions at the next Annual General Meeting. They were of the opinion that, as a first step, this was the best method of re-organisation and they proposed that promotion and relegation should remain as at present—2 up and 2 down. The Management Committee had been informed that both the Third Divisions were unanimously in favour of the proposal. Sheffield United F.C. thought the proposal was wrong, and that it would put Clubs out of business. Their Club favoured Three Regional Sections of Three Divisions. Middlesbrough F.C. supported this idea and suggested that with 20 Clubs in each Division and Section it would be a better method of re-organisation and admit Clubs who have not yet had an opportunity of joining the League. Promotion and Relegation would, of course, then be 3 up and 3 down. The Third Division (South) representative stated that his Section unanimously supported the Management Committee's proposal. The Third Division (North) representative stated that whilst the Clubs were not unanimous, his Executive Committee were in favour of the Management Committee's proposals. He still thought 4 up and 4 down should be introduced into the Competition and he would like to see it in any event operating as between the Third and Fourth Divisions. Doncaster Rovers F.C. spoke against the proposition and stated that they were in favour of 4 up and 4 down throughout all the Divisions. Southend United F.C. and Stockport County F.C. both spoke in favour of the Management Committee's proposals. Floodlighting— The President referred to the Management Committee's proposals which had been forwarded Extra to the Clubs for an extra Mid-week Floodlight Competition, which allowed for the recognition Competition. of the League Champions and or F.A. Cup Winners entering the European Cup Competition if they wished and making provisions in the League rules for 4 per cent. levy, bonuses, talent money etc. where necessary. With regard to the Extra Competition, he asked the Clubs to comment on the Management Committee's suggestions. Tottenham Hotspur F.C. thought the suggestion with regard to the European Cup Competition a step forward, but that the Extra Floodlight Competition would be too large an undertaking. Luton Town F.C. stated that they were entirely in favour of the whole scheme as a step forward. Wolverhampton Wanderers F. C. stated that their Club would have nothing whatever to do with the suggestions and they would prefer to arrange their own Floodlight matches as at present. Sheffield Wednesday F. C. supported this point of view. Everton F.C. thought that support given to the suggested Competition would not justify the expenditure incurred by the Clubs in installing Floodlighting equipment. Leicester City F.C. spoke in favour of a Competition, but thought the Regional idea a bad one. They would prefer their opponents to be drawn for. Chelsea F.C. supported this idea. 1