42 [Meeting held at Goodison Park Tuesday Feb. 26th 1957.] Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. J. C. Sharp who tendered his apologies. Secretary in attendance. Minutes of Meeting of 19th Feb. were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Manchester Utd. F. C. % 2723.17.2 Gate v Liverpool Res. 125. 5.0 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 3.13.0 Football League % v M/C Utd. 105.19.10 Football League re Pension 48.15. 0 Wages 726.14.11 Cash Disbursements 215.11.10 Bank Balance £17,302.6.0 Dr. Report of The report of recommendations as presented Finance Committee was approved. (Copy annexed). It was reported that Huddersfield Town were interested in G. Williams. BANIK-OSTRAVA It was reported that an unconditional 40 guarantee had been given to Sabena Airlines to pay them £800 after March 2nd for cost of an Flight and that we had insured for a minimum of £800 against the match not being played. It was agreed to present each member of the party with a Renson Petrol Lighter, suitably inscribed, as a souvenir, and a Pennant for the Club. Conference of The agenda for the Annual Conference Clubs was studied, and it was agreed that Messrs 27 T. C. Nuttall and J. C. Sharp should represent the Club.