41 prices be charged for this match, with Reserved Seats @ 6/- and 2000 Paddock Tickets @ 3/- each. A request from Sabena Airline for payment of £800 was considered to cover the travel cost of the team, and this was agreed to providing the authority of the club had been obtained. Use of Ground It was agreed to allow the use of Goodison Park on Mon. March 25th for the Final of the Grammar Schools Shield providing the ground is fit. R. Birtley It was reported that the last 11 payment out of the Football League Jubilee Benevolent Fund grant had now been paid to R. Birtley. R. A. Dominic A request from this Author for permission to write a History of the Club was not granted. Floodlighting It was agreed to support the 39. proposal of Stoke City that Clubs complying with a set standard should gave the privilege of determining the K. O. up to 3 p.m. of their Saturday home fixtures. Directors Away To Arsenal:- Messrs R. E. Searle, T. C. Nuttall, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield & C. H. Askham. Next Meeting Tuesday 26th Feb. at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle CHAIRMAN.