39 the Chairman, Messrs T. C. Nuttall, J. C. Sharp and the Secretary. Floodlighting It was reported that suitable 33 arrangements had been made for the electricians working on the Floodlighting Scheme to work until 6 p.m. in the evenings. Bury F. C. It was noted that a cheque 36 for £250.0.0 had been received from Bury F. C. on account of the balance of Transfer Fees. Banik Ostrava It was reported that a fixture 36 with this club had been provisionally made for March 2nd for 50% of net Gate with a guarantee of eight hundred pounds. Directors Away To Manchester:- all except Mr. Green. Next Meeting Tuesday Feb. 19th at 4.30 p.m. if no replay. Confirmed as correct R. E. Searle Chairman.