36 deducted from their wages. J. Kelley It was agreed to let J. Kelly go to Milwall F. C. providing our interests were safeguarded. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Sunderland, the 2nd Team game v Wolves Res., and of the 'B' Team game v Oldham Ath. 'A'. Cup Tie Tkts. The suggested allocations of Directors Box 11 & Complimentary tickets were approved. Mr. Askham dissented with the Box allocation. It was agreed that the Balance of ground tickets be sold on Friday evening, at 6 p.m. It was noted that in the event of a replay the Directors Box allocation for each Director would be 7 instead 8. Bury F.C. A letter was read from Bury F.C. 8 asking for the transfer instalments of £500 per month be waived until Sept. 1st, 1957. It was agreed to suggest that this could not be done, and to suggest continuity of payments on a reduced basis. T. Johnson It was reported that a grant of £52 25 had been made from the Football League Jubilee Benevolent Fund for T. Johnson to be paid at two pounds per week. Seaton Delaval A letter of thanks was read from 33 F. C. the Seaton Delaval F. C. Tenancy It was agreed that Mr. & Mrs. J. Shaw 27 be given the tenancy of 207. Walton Lane, on an exchange basis, as their references appeared satisfactory. BANIK OSTRAVA It was reported that a Czechoslovak Team, BANIK OSTRAVA would be in England in early March, and the Secretary was authorised