
			[Meeting held at Goodison Park
				Tuesday Feb. 5th 1957]

			Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and
		all other Directors, Secretary in attendance.

			Minutes of Meeting of 29th Jan.
		were read and confirmed.

Finance			Receipts reported were:-
		Deposit:- 15 Blenhaim Ave.		190.0.0
		Gate v Wolves Res.			302.8.3
			Cheques were signed for:-
		Directors Exes.				80.15.3
		Customs & Excise			 6. 6.3
		Wembley Stadium Ltd. TKTS.	       353. 8.0
		P. M. G. Telephone a/c		       280.12.8
		Wages				       781.10.7
		Cash Disbursements		       252. 0.5
		Programme Contributors			44. 2.0
			Bank Balance  £17,765.3.1 Dr.

Fixtures		It was reported that the fixtures v
		Blackburn Rovers Res. had been brought
		forward from Apl. 27 to Feb. 16th at Goodison
		Park, and the postponed match v Blackpool
		Res. had been re-arranged for Apl. 27th at

H. R. Pickening		It was resolved that Mr. Pickening be
		allowed to take his holiday in early July, the
		same period as the Secretary, and that he be
		paid two weeks Salary in lieu of Holidays
		last year. Mr. Searle dissented.

Sickness		It was resolved that each member
		of the staff be notified that Medical notes
SICK PAY	should be sent to the Secretary for absences
		owing to sickness of more than 2 days, and
		that the requisite amount of sick pay to be