33 E. Moore It was agreed to apply for 26 permission to pay accrued share of Benefit to E. Moore amounting to £412.0.0. It was reported that the increased Bonuses were appreciated by all concerned. Seaton Delaval It was agreed to send a donation of Twenty five pounds to Seaton Delaval in respect of F. Leeder. F. A. Cup Diary It was reported that our 5 Round 23 tie at Manchester United would be an all ticket match. Prices:- Reserved Seats 10/6 & 7/6 Terrace 4/-, Ground 2/6. It was agreed that the allocations be left to Mr. Nuttall and the Secretary. Replay It was agreed that the replay, if 30 necessary should take place on Wed. Feb. 20th Tickets to be printed for Two Stands @ 7/6 & 6/- The Two Goal Stands to be 5/- Cash at Gates, Paddock 3/6 and Ground 2/-. Ticket allocations to be as originally agreed. It was agreed that the League Match v P. N. E. postponed from Feb. 16th should be arranged for Feb. 20th or 27th according to Cup Replay requirements. Tour An offer for matches in France & 31 Germany was deferred pending further offers. Floodlighting It was reported that additional 31 emergency lighting would be required, omitted from the original estimate, on the Stairs, Dressing Rooms & Offices and the rest of the lighting of 18 additional points on the Stairs would be £200.0.0. Liverpool A request for the loan of the Schools F.A. ground on or before Feb. 23rd was considered, 18