[Meeting held at Goodison Park
Tuesday 29th Jan. 1957.]
Present:- Mr. R. E. Searle (Chair) and all
other Directors, Secretary in attendance.
Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 22nd
were read and confirmed.
Mr. Balmforth expressed his thanks
for the kind messages of sympathy sent to
him during his recent sad bereavement.
Finance Receipt reported was:-
Gate v West Ham Utd. 8342.18.6
Cheques were signed for:-
Customs & Excise 1878.4. 2
Football Assn. Pool 2030.13.8
West Ham Utd. % 2138.13.9
Football League 4% 81. 4.7
Police 102.15.4
Comms. Inl. Rev. 1700. 0.0
do 81. 5.6
do 56.10.10
do 25. 1.6
Liverpool Corpn. Rates on a/c 622.10.0
Wages 796. 0.1
Cash Disbursements 155. 7.3
Bank Balance £16,521.9.4 Dr.
Report of The report of recommendations as
Finance Comm. presented by Mr. Sharp was approved, with the
exception of the last item, and it was resolved
that this be deferred, and that the Chairman
together with Mr. Sharp and the Secretary, should
arrange an interview with G. E. C. Officials to
discuss the possibility of modifying the
Financial arrangements with them for paying
for the Floodlighting installation.