		half day in the West Ham area.
			It was agreed that a Sub-Committee
		be formed consisting of the Chairman,
		Vice-Chairman and Messrs J. C. Sharp and
		J. Taylor to explore the possibility of
		extracting further revenue from the Seats
		and the Paddock.

Paramount News		A request was considered for
		permission to film our Cup-tie on Saturday
		for use on Paramount News. It was agreed
		to ask for a fee of £500 and not to accept
		less than £300.

SHAREHOLDERS ASSN.	It was resolved to grant permission
		to the Shareholders Assn. for facilities to
		exhibit notices in a suitable frame in the
		Shareholders Stand.

F. Howarth		It was agreed to donate Ten pounds
	    21	to a Testimonial Fund on the retirement of
		Mr. F. Howarth as Secretary of the Football League.

Tour			An invitation from the Football
	   28	Association was considered, to send a Youth
		Team to Cannes at Easter to take part
		in a Tournament, and it was agreed that
		this could not be accepted.

Floodlighting		It was agreed that work on Tower
	  24	No. 4 could commence on Sunday next, and
		it was understand the site would be reasonably
		clear in a fortnight, weather permitting. The
		Crane to enter from Goodison Ave., on
		Rubber Wheels. Work on Tower No. 1, to
		commence at a suitable date later.

Director Away		To Manchester:- Mr. J. Taylor.

Next Meeting		Tuesday 29th Jan. at 4.30 p.m.

						R. E. Searle