26 in aid of the national Asson. for Cerebral Palsy. It was noted that an invitation had been extended to the Directors and their wives from Capt. Prince Cox to attend a Dance tomorrow night. It was reported that Wainwright who had a kick on the calf may be fit for Saturday. Eglington was fit and McNamara was almost fit. Sutherland was fit for light training and Alec Farrall was now back at work. E. Sagar Mr. Micklesfield reported on the Hot Pot Supper for the presentation by the Supporters Federation to Ted Sagar, and it was agreed have a photographic record of his record service with are club put in the Boardroom, and to have a copy with Inscription printed in the Programme. Complimentary The various calls and allocations for Tickets Complimentary tickets for Cup ties was (Cup-Ties) discussed, and it was agreed that it was not possible to make an allocation to Directors. The allocation and distribution of complimentary Ticket for League Matches was also explained and discussed. Refreshment A discussion took place Tickets regarding the possibility of limiting the number of Refreshment tickets used on match days, and the matter was deferred. Directors It was re-affirmed that Directors Ticket Allocations should not apply for additional CUP-TIE tickets, ever and above their official allocation.