[Meeting held at Exchange
Hotel Liverpool.
Monday 11th Jan. 1954.]
Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all
other Directors, Manager & Secretary in
Minutes of Meeting of Jan. 5th
were read and confirmed.
Reports Reports were given of the 1st
Team game v Notts County and of the
2nd Team game v Huddersfield Res.
Brian Harris It was agreed that this
Amateur player be signed as a part time
professional at Three pounds per week.
Tour It was reported that an offer
had been received for a Tour of Spain,
and we were also writing to Denmark.
It was reported that Alec Farrall
had a Swollen Knee, and McNamara
should be fit to play in a fortnight.
Hickson would be fit for Saturday.
Cup Draw It was reported that we were
17 at Home to Barrow or Swansea in the
4th Round. It was agreed that tickets
be printed for the Members & Shareholders
Stands and Centre of Goodison Rd. Stand at
7/6. All other seats at 5/- each. Paddock
to be 3/6, cash at Turnstiles. Each
Director to be allowed to purchase a
maximum of 40 @ 7/6 and 150 @ 5/-,
and to be allocated Six Box Tickets.
Directors Away To Derby:- Messrs T. C. Nuttall
and C. E. Balmforth.
Transfer of Shares The following were approved:-