22 E. Storey It was agreed to present Ted Storey 20 with a cheque for £500.0.0 free of tax, after completing over 50 years service with the {PRESENTED} Club. This to be done at a dinner on Monday next Jan. 11th. Floodlighting It was reported that some new 12 types of lights would be on view at Watford on Tuesday next, and it was agreed that Messrs J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield and the Manager should attend. Replay It was reported that the replay, if necessary would be played on Thursday Jan. 14th at Nottingham, and it was agreed that each Director be allowed to purchase tickets as follows:- Six @ 7/. Six @6/- and Six at 5/-. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares. SHARES NO 514 TO 516 FROM XOR. H. W. BOWLER TO JOYCE M. GOURLEY. It was agreed to express thanks to Barker v Dobsons for their Christmas parcels. Next Meeting Monday Jan. 11th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman. 11.1.54