20 and Easthope were now fit to play, Thomas had broken a collar bone, and Rabene was to see Mr. Heron. Jones knee was almost right and was fit to play and A. Fanall may play on Saturday. Molyneux It was reported that this player had been demobbed, and was new a full time player. The Manager expressed thanks to the Directors on behalf of the Staff and players for the Christmas Boxes. I. O. M. F. A. It was re-offered that we 14 cannot accept the invitation to take part in the Festival Tournament in the Isle of man. Everton F. C. It was noted that an invitation Supporters Fed. had been received for two Directors to attend a hot-pot Supper on Jan. 16th when a presentation would be made to Fed. Sagar. E. Storey It was noted that this employee had completed 51 years services with the Club. A suggestion to present him with a cheque for £500 free of tax was deferred to enable the tax position to be clarified. Directors Away To Bristol:- Messrs E. Green, F. Micklesfield and A. N. Denaro. To Oldham:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, T. C. Nuttall, F. Micklesfield, & A. N. Denaro, C. E. Balmforth. Next Meeting Tuesday Jan. 5th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman. 5.1.54