18 English It was agreed that Mr. Britton and Schools F. A. Harold Pickering should attend the England v Wales Schoolboy International at Manchester on May 15th and this Dinner afterwards. Transfer of The following were approved:- Shares SHARES NO 1201-1203 FROM CHARLOTTE GARTH TO JOHN MOORES JUN. " " 73,211 & 2356 " ELLEN CROPPER TO JOHN MOORES JUN. " " 1691 & 1692 " THOS MCCONNELL TO JOHN MOORES JUN. " " 1857, 80 & 71 " HERBERT MCCONNELL TO JOHN MOORES JUN. " " 186, 75 & 1745 " J. P. MCCONNELL TO JOHN MOORES JUN. Directors Away To Manchester:- Messrs N. W. Coffey & F. C. Nuttall To Aston Villa:- Messrs E. Green & A. N. Denaro Next Meeting Tuesday Dec. 22nd at 4 pm. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 22.12.53