14 [Meeting held at Exchange Hotel Tuesday Dec. 8th 1953] Present:- Mr. E. Green (Chair) and all other Directors except Mr. Nuttall. Manager and Secretary in attendance. Minutes of meeting of Dec. 1st were read and confirmed. Finance Receipts reported were:- Gate v M/c Utd. Res. 85.17.3 Cheques were signed for:- Customs & Excise 1.12.3 Comms. Inland Revenue P. A. Y. E. 357.12.0 J. Tansey Benefit Less tax 360.2.0 G. Rankin do 421.8.0 C. S. Britton Salary 154.7.6 Wages 604.3.7 Petty Cash 129.18.6 Bank Balance £9,208.15.5 Dr. Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Birmingham and of the 2nd Team game v M/c Utd. Res. Boys Brigade It was noted that the Centenary 13 Display had been fixed for May 8th. It was agreed to notify the F. A. that we would be willing to play one of the South American Touring Teams if we were free on one of the Cup-tie dates. Isle of Man F. A. An invitation was read from the Isle of Man F. A. to take part in a Festival Tournament in June but it was agreed that this be not accepted. Torquay Utd. It was reported that Torquay were 3 still interested in signing a left full back and it was agreed to offer Anderton to them