9 Reports Reports were given of the 1st Team game v Fulham and of the 2nd Team game v P. N. E. Res. Host It was agreed that Mr. Micklesfield act as Host to visiting Directors on match days. Bellefield It was agreed that a young man named Willcocks who had been well recommended be given a months trial as assistant groundsman at Bellefield at a wage of £6.6.0 per week. Floodlighting It was noted that Crystal Palace 6 were willing to show their Floodlighting on Friday evening and arrangements were made accordingly. It was reported that Fielding & Potts were doubtful and Parker had a touch of fibrositis. McNamara was now fit and Easthope had a suspected cartilage. Dr. Baxter agreed to deputise for the Chairman at the Army Lunch on Wed. A letter was read from Mr. J. D. Newton congratulating the Directors on renewing Mr. Britton's agreement. Directors Away To West Ham:- Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp, C. E. Balmforth, F. Micklesfield & A. N. Denaro. Transfer of Shares The following were approved:- SHARES NOD. 1185 & 1186 FROM F. P. BROWN TO THOMAS HALTON. " 1189 FROM H. BROWN TO THOMAS HALTON. Next Meeting Tuesday Nov. 24th at 4p.m. Confirmed as correct E. Green Chairman 24.11.53