7 for Wed. Nov. 18th and the following agreed to attend :- Messrs E. Green, C. S. Baxter, J. C. Sharp, R. E. SEARLE, A. N. Denaro & C. S. Britton. Letter of thanks were read from the Archdeacon of Westminster, and the Little Sisters of the Poor. An application from the League of Welldoers for permission to take a collection was not granted. Directors Away To Preston :- Mr. J. C. Sharp. DRESSING ROOM It was resolved unanimously that the Board desire that only the Chairman, Manager & Club Doctor enter the Dressing Room on Match days. This to be in substitution of the minute of 31st March 1953. Next Meeting Tuesday Nov. 17th at 4 p.m. Confirmed as correct. E. Green Chairman. 17.11.53.