6 salary be at the rate of £2650.0.0 (Two thousand six hundred and fifty pounds) per annum for a period of five years from 9 Oct. 1953 payable in twelve equal monthly instalments, and in the event of his contract being terminated by the Club otherwise than under Clause 7 Compensation shall be paid by the Club at the rate of Two thousand six hundred and fifty pounds per annum, up to a maximum of two years compensation Mr. Nuttall dissented. Further to the agreement to be drawn up by Mr. Bryson it was resolved that:- (1) The Rent of 39 Southport Road be One pound per week free of Rates and Taxes. (2) That the club purchase a car not exceeding £1250.0.0 for the use of the General Manager during his term of office, the maintenance & Running costs of the car whilst used on Club business to be paid by the Club. Such use to be assessed at the rate of £250.0.0 per annum. (3) If the agreement be terminated during its currency the General Manager to be allowed to purchase the Car at £250 per annum for the unexpired portion of the agreement. It was agreed that the agreement be drawn up and signed on behalf of the Club by Messrs E. Green, J. C. Sharp & the Secretary. Floodlighting Mr. Sharp gave a report of the Meeting of the Floodlighting Sub-Committee with Representatives of Electrical FIRMS. Xmas Boxes It was agreed that these be as last year. Army F. A. It was noted that an invitation to Luncheon had been received from the Army F. A.