ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING. 1. Secretary reads Notice. 2. Admission of the Press. 3.} Chairman gives report of Seasons Working. Then move that the 4.} Accounts be taken as read, and after this has been agreed call 5.} upon the Auditor for his report. After questions have been answered Move the adoption of the Accounts, seconded by ........... 6. Mr. {GREEN} proposes and Mr. {SHARP} seconds the payment of Dividend of 7½% less tax. 7. Auditors Fees. 100 guineas, as last year proposed by Mr........... and seconded by........................ 8. Election of Directors. Chairman proposes that the three candidates be elected en bloc. If there are no dissentients then this can be put to the meeting, after being seconded by Mr................... 9. Vote of thanks. This will be done from the floor.