{104} 77th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 1956 1. Secretary reads Notice convening Meeting. 2. Admission of Press. {GEO. CLARKSON 3. Death of Mr. Denaro. (Stand in silence for a few moments) W. T. SEARLE {3} 4. Move that the Directors' Report and Accounts, having been J. R. Greig} circulated to all Shareholders, be taken as read. Then move that the Auditor's Report be taken as read. After MNE W. BIRCH {4} 5. this has been agreed move the adoption of the Report and Accounts and ask for a seconder Mr. {Jones} After this has been done then ask for questions on the Accounts and after these have been answered put the proposition to the Meeting that the Accounts and Balance Sheet be adopted. {6} 7. Mr. {SHARP} proposes and Mr. {BRIDSON} seconds the payment of DIVIDEND OF 5% FREE OF TAX for the year. {7} 8. Auditors' Fees. The Auditors' Fee of £ {SAME AN LASE YEAR} proposed by Mr. {SEARLE} and seconded by Mr. {D. RICHARDSON}. {8} 9. Election of Directors. The Chairman reports that there are three candidates for the three vacancies. These are CAME TO the {THREE} retiring Directors, Messrs. {C. E. BALMFORTH ROSTRUM. N. W. COFFEY & T. C. NUTTALL}. In the absence of other MR. TAYLOR nominations the Chairman proposes that the election of the THANKED SH three {RETIRING DREECTORI} be taken en bloc. If there are no diss- FOR THEIR entients, propose that the three candidates be duly elected CONFIDENCE and ask for a Seconder Mr. {G. H. BRIDSON} and then put the proposal J F. MICKLEFIELD to the Meeting. {9} 10. Report on Season's working. {11} 11. Vote of thanks. This will be done from the Floor. Proposed :- {W. H. Sawyer} Seconded :- {J. H. Huiton} {D. RICHARDSON} {J. K. SMITH} {NOTE OF THANKS TO E. GREEN for past services.} {MIC.. FOR NEXT MTG.} {MR. GRATTON :- RE SEATS IN DIRECTORS BOX.} {HOME NIGHT} {FOR SHAREHOLDER}