296 [Emergency Meeting held at Goodison Park Wednesday Oct. 17th 1956] Present :- Mr. T. C. Nuttall (Chair) and Messrs N. W. Coffey, C. E. Balmforth & Micklesfield. Secretary in attendance. Messrs. R. E. Searle & C. H. Askham were out of the County, Messrs E. Green & J. C. Sharp were not available & Mr. J. Taylor was indisposed. Gauld It was reported that Charlton Ath. (CHARLTON) were prepared to accept £5,000 and the transfer of J. O'Neill in exchange for the transfer of Gauld, and this arrangement had the full support of Mr. Buchan. It was reported that O'Neill was willing to join Charlton, and Mr. Coffey proposed that the deal be proceeded with, subject to a Medical certificate of fitness being obtained. This was seconded by Mr. Balmforth and carried unanimously. Confirmed as correct. T. C. Nuttall 23/10/56 Chairman