DIRECTORS' EXPENSES 1. For attendance with the official party at club matches away from home, involving one or more nights away, the subsistence allowance shall be £2 for each night away, except in the case of matches involving a stay in London when the subsistence allowance shall be £2/10/- for each night away. For away matches not involving a night away from home the allowance shall be 15/-. 2. Should a Director attend a club match away from home involving one or more nights away and not travel with the official party, he will be allowed, subject to paragraph 6, first class return fare plus £2 subsistence allowance for each day away except in the cases of journeys to London when the subsistence allowance shall be £2/10/- per day plus in all cases an allowance of £2/10/- per night for hotel. Such allowances however, shall be limited to the number of days from when the club officially departs until it returns. 3. A Director not travelling with the official party to matches away from home and not involving a night away will be allowed, subject to paragraph 6, first class return fare plus £2 subsistence allowance for one day only. 4. For journeys undertaken on behalf of the club, other than attendance at Everton matches, there will be allowed first class travel and £2 subsistence allowance if the journey does not involve a night away from home, otherwise the allowance will be £2/10/- per night for hotel and £2/10/— per day for subsistence for a maximum of two nights and three days. 5. A Director may attend at the club's expense a maximum of three International or Representative matches in the U. K. or Eire only. Directors may attend also the Cup Final at the club's expense. Allowance in respect of each of these matches shall be - first class fare, £2/10/— per day subsistence and £2/10/— per night for hotel, for a maximum of three days and two nights. 6. A Director can travel at the expense of the club only after prior sanction has been granted by the Board at a Board Meeting. 7. If a Director is accompanied by his wife on any of the foregoing journeys or matches the following additional allowances shall be made in respect of the wife. Day journey — 1st class return fare plus 30/— subsistence allowance; journey involving overnight stay with husband - 1st class return fare plus 30/- per day subsistence allowance plus 30/- per night for hotel accommodation. The latter allowances will be restricted to the number of days and/or nights as set out above. 8. An allowance of 15/- will be granted to Directors for attendance at any match in Liverpool or for attendance at Board Meetings, Sub—Committee Meetings or Emergency Meetings.