293 had decided not to go to Blackburn, R. It was reported that Payne & Loader were to see Mr. Heron again, and Tansey had been put on a special diet. Jones (Crewe) It was reported that this player had been interviewed by Mr. Nuttall together with H. R. Pickering and I. C. Buchan. Benefit It was agreed that application be made to pay the following Benefit now due:- BIRCH K. J. Birch £450.0.0 VIZARD. C. J. Vizard £250.0.0 290 THOMAS E. Thomas £350.0.0 Army F. A. A letter of thanks was read 281 from the Army F. A. Albion House. An appeal was considered from this organisation, and it was agreed to let it lie on the table. Chelsea F. C. It was agreed to invite the 237 Chelsea Directors and their wives to Lunch on Saturday next at the Adelphi Hotel. Report on Officials It was agreed that the report on Referees & Linesman be decided at Board Meeting in future. Cash Float It was agreed that the Secretary's Cash Float be increased as required, with the permission of the Chairman of the Finance Committee. Directors Away To Liverpool:- Messrs E. Green & J. Taylor. Next Meeting Tuesday Oct. 16th at 4.30 p.m. Confirmed as correct T. C. Nuttall 16 10 Chairman. 56